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I’ve been playing around lately with the Telerik Platform, the newest cloud platform on the block. The Platform is very different from Telerik’s other offerings and marks a significant step in the company’s evolution. Telerik has always put developers front and center and has built up a rich portfolio comprised of many tools that target almost every aspect of software development. Some of these tools work together and some even integrate to some extent, but by and large Telerik has primarily chosen to bundle the tools instead of integrating them.

The Telerik Platform: Design, Build, Connect, Test, Deploy and Manage, Measure

But the Platform changes that. It does target developers, but it also targets other business roles. And one of its greatest strengths is the strong integration between its different components. For example, the Prototyper tool that lets you build screen mockups can generate code you can use as a sort of template for your app. There’s also the Analytics component that automatically collects usage data and makes it searchable and actionable by simply toggling a checkbox in the online AppBuilder IDE. And that’s just a start.

Basically, the Telerik Platform offers a slew of online and offline tools for end-to-end cross-platform development, including an online IDE, Visual Studio integration, prototyping, automated cross-platform testing and deployment, rich analytics, authentication and other backend services, and much more.

I introduced the Platform last week at the Sela Developer Practice conference. I’ve uploaded my slides on the Telerik Platform and would love to hear your thoughts about divergent and convergent mobile web development and about Telerik’s place in the now even more competitive world of cross-platform software development.